For those in search of a new pet to love, this app matches the lifestyle and temperament of an owner to available pets in their area.
The Problem
Many aspiring pet owners don't have a solid sense of the kind of pet that would best fit their living space and lifestyle and may end up needing to rehome or return them.
The Solution
Match humans and pets with compatible lifestyles, reducing the number of returned or abandoned pets and better educating new pet owners.
Understanding the User
I conducted foundational research that explored when and why pets are adopted and why they might be returned or rehomed, including interviews with long-time pet owners, hesitant could-be pet searchers, pet advocates and shelter volunteers.
This research led to the creation of two specific types of users who would use this kind of app.
Pain Points
1. No prior experience
Without having previous experience, would-be first-time pet owners don’t know how to search for a pet.
2. Too many sources
Each shelter or website provides only its own pets for adoption, which means a lot of website hopping.
3. Filters
It’s often hard to find information at a glance - such as if a pet is house trained, is large or small, requires any special needs, etc.
Iterations of each main page and components within were created to whittle down options of basic functionality. Initial wireframes took into consideration what pet searchers were most concerned with while pairing it with user interactions that are reminiscent of dating apps.
Usability Findings
1. Pet profile is made into a card, a separate element that can swipe left or right.
2. Main navigation is added to the profile page, making the back icon at the top right unnecessary.
3. Map pin icon is switched to “i” for information.
4. Contact icon is switched to the middle, with saving/hearting to be consistently on the right to match the swiping gesture.
More research is needed to refine options available for both lifestyle and type of pet.
This prototype deals with dogs, but could scale easily to adding cats and other categories of pets.
More exploratory options, such as informational pages on typical settings, could help a user know why a pet fits their life. For example, Kristina is matched with all small dogs and clicks to find that’s because she does not have access to large open spaces, which she could then edit.